When a 5-pound Tinkerbell was surrendered to Fairgrounds Animal Hospital with a broken front leg, they knew this sweet girl needed extra support from a trusted partner.
They called SPCA-NN, asking if we could take in a resilient chihuahua with a bright spirit. We couldn’t say no!
Tinkerbell arrived with a large leg cast and an even bigger heart! She trembled in fear at first, and quickly grew to trust us. Despite the heavy cast, she would bound from person to person for pets and snuggles.
X-rays revealed Tinkerbell’s leg was too badly broken to set and heal properly.
X-rays revealed Tinkerbell’s leg was too badly broken to set and heal properly. Despite her painful injury, her tiny warrior spirit shone through. Amputation was her best chance at a swift recovery, and we had no doubt she’d heal quickly and live her best life.
We placed Tinkerbell with one of our incredible fosters where she could rest with close observation and loving care before and after her surgery. The calm, nurturing home environment brought out even more of Tinkerbell’s spunky and affectionate personality. She loved to be close to her foster mom, who laughed with delight as Tink burrowed into blankets and bounded for her toy before snuggling up for a nap
Her amputation and spay surgery went smoothly thanks to our highly skilled veterinarian and surgical team.
When surgery day arrived, the team gathered around a nervous Tinkerbell, assuring her that she was in good hands.
Her amputation and spay surgery went smoothly thanks to our highly skilled veterinarian and surgical team.
Our predictions were correct! The next day, Tinkerbell was confidently prancing on all three legs. She didn’t skip a beat. This happy girl was ready to find a loving family.
We posted about our newly minted tripod on social media, which caught Frederika’s eye and heart. She lost her two 17-year-old chihuahuas earlier this year and was looking for a pup to love.
The moment they met, it was clear. Tink was going home!
Today, Tinkerbell is loving life with her doting family. Frederika says she loves to snuggle, fetch toys, and play in the backyard with her neighbor’s dog. She is truly the sparkle in her family’s eyes, and it’s all thanks to your support.