Give the Gift of Getting Fixed

Let’s be honest: There aren’t enough homes for unwanted litters. No dog wants a litter of puppies. But the reality is most humans don’t either. Fixing pets has never been more critical. The good news? YOU can make an difference in YOUR community by sponsoring a homeless pet’s surgery!
One sterilization surgery for a homeless pet costs about $80. That's like ten trips to Starbucks.
The benefits outweigh any risks. A fixed pet has a reduced risk of developing certain reproductive-system-related cancers and infections, such as breast, uterine, testicular, or prostate cancer. Help a homeless pet and give the gift of sterilization!

In 2023, our affordable spay/neuter clinic fixed 2,935 community pets.

Spay it, don’t spray it. Undesirable hormone-related behaviors like spraying/marking or going into heat are fixed by fixing! Early neutering can also prevent aggression or mounting in males. And fewer behavior issues mean a better chance at NOT being surrendered to a shelter.
Last year, we also spayed/neutered 979 homeless pets.
Prevent pet overpopulation in YOUR community. Over 6 million cats and dogs in the United States entered shelters and rescues last year. Our community spay/neuter clinic is the only affordable option in northern Nevada. We need YOUR help to fund this critical resource.