In August, we received a call from Washoe County Regional Animal Services (WCRAS) asking if we could take two stray kittens infected with ringworm. WCRAS wanted to help them but lacked the resources to treat the kittens’ highly contagious skin infection.
Our team rushed over to find the sisters, Cali and Palm, crouched in isolation and scared.
Cloaked in their superhero-esque Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), our team scooped them up and brought them back to our Ringworm Academy.
Our medical examination revealed their little bodies were covered in ringworm lesions.
SPCA-NN provides a safe, gentle refuge where these cats and kittens can heal their ringworm infection and find loving homes!
Ringworm is a treatable skin infection that requires a rigorous treatment program for at least 21 days in isolation “dorms,” weekly lime-sulfur sprays, medicine, and PCR tests until the fungal infection clears.
Throughout the western U.S., most shelters and rescues lack the resources and training required to successfully treat it and prevent its spread, which means infected cats and kittens are at high risk for euthanasia.
Thanks to YOUR generous gifts, SPCA-NN is able to provide a safe, gentle refuge where these cats and kittens can heal and find loving homes!
Our team is so gentle and caring during our “spray spa days” that these sick felines quickly learn to trust, relax, and gain confidence around people.
After six weeks, Cali’s infection finally cleared. Equally exciting, she was transformed from a scared, sick stray to a healthy kitten ready to graduate from our Ringworm Academy and find a loving home!
Unfortunately, Palm’s infection was even more persistent and she would need more time in treatment. The bonded sisters had to be separated.
It wasn’t long before Cali received an amazing graduation present… a family. Ashley and her young son came into the Adoption Center after losing their beloved 14-year-old cat, Tigger. After meeting Cali and hearing her story, Ashley was excited to bring her home.
When we mentioned that Cali’s sweet sister was graduating from the Ringworm Academy soon, her eyes twinkled.
Thanks to YOU, we’ve been able to cure 48 cats and kittens of Ringworm so far this year!
Cali has made herself at home with her family playing with her toys, napping on her cat tree, and snuggling every chance she gets.
The best part? Ashley and her son have also recently welcomed Palm into the family, reuniting the bonded siblings!
It’s all thanks to compassionate supporters like you, who enable us to save pets like Cali and Palm. Thanks to YOU, we’ve been able to cure 48 cats and kittens of ringworm so far this year!